Sunday, December 21, 2008
Justification For My Gray Hair!
They also think at 7:30am when you are running late, that they can decide that the shoes I picked out is not what they want to wear...and I can't help it I will not send my child to daycare with shoes that don't match what he is the battle begins...ultimately Mom wins but with 5 additional gray hairs added to the collection.
Dinner time has been interesting he seems to think he can now decide when he has his dinner. So my attempt at being a strong parent (lol) I set aside his dinner just in case he wants it later( I know I know...I need to be strict) But then as we are kissing him goodnight he says "Mommy, I want dinner". I think it was the hardest thing I ever had to do but I had to say no it is time for bed. He was not happy. That was not a good night. But my guilt subsided when he drank 3 glasses of milk while arguing with us.
Logan has also developed this skill of kicking and screaming louder then I ever thought was capable by a small child. Another skill he has is he knows what he wants and he is not open to discussion about it. I will admit I tend to spoil him from time to time but I never give him what he wants when he throws a why the sudden rampages I am not quite sure. This better be a phase! I used to take Britt to the store when she was small and as long as I gave her time to look-touch-feel the toys she never asked for anything....well FYI..not working this time!
Is this what the next year of my life is going to be like now that he is turning "3"!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Soo Busy....
In the meantime I need to figure out how I am going to do my cooking and finish my holiday shopping.-UGH!
Logan's transistion is going well so far..he did good on the first day and today he is going to go to his new class for 3 hours...then tomorrow they will try a full day. He likes that he moved up to the bigger playground and that his classroom is twice the size...but I am worried about the fact that he has twice as many kids in his class. :( I am trying to prepare myself for all the new habits he is going to I am just thankful that I can mention the "Big boy" class without him falling to the floor and saying "no!no!no!". Now he asks me if he is going to the "New Class". He is growing up so much! He is like this little man instead of my little baby (sob, sob). I think I need another...maybe adoption this time.
Wow..I can ramble on and on..opps
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Trimming the Tree

Catching Up...
Tim's sister Jenn and her hubby Chris was there...and of course Ryan!
We had a surprise visitor, TJ, Tim's cousin showed up and that made it even more special.
Our thoughts we were with Tim's granddad who is still recovering in the hospital and his Granny.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Count Down to Logan's Transistion Week!
I know it is good for him to move on and meet new kids and to get used to another teacher...but it is sad for him and for me. I think the part that has me the most freaked out is he goes from 10 kids to 20 kids in his class....UGH! So now he has 19 other kids' personalities to incorporate into his own...just wonderful! I think he will adapt easily to the other kids because he is a social butterfly...but the new teacher is going to be tough...he truly loves the teacher he has now.
They suggested transitioning him the week of Dec 15th!! --But I am not sure if they have my buy in yet because of the holidays and people being on vacation...I would rather him start on a week when they can guarantee me the teacher will be there and not a substitute.
So say a prayer for us!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Things I am Thankful For....
- I am thankful that my childhood was not easy - Because it made me strong
- I am thankful that god gave me Brittany - Because it made me focused
- I am thankful that I divorced my ex-husband the right way - Because it made it easier on Brittany
- I am thankful that I got fired from my job right after my divorce - It forced me to leap forward and was the beginning of my new life!
- I am thankful that fear didn't steer me wrong when it came to moving to Florida with Brittany
- I am thankful that my cousin Tasha met Jason - Because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have Tim!
- I am thankful for Tim because he made my life whole
- I am thankful that I was told I couldn't have kids - just so I could prove them wrong and because of that I enjoy Logan even more!
- I am thankful for the gift god gave me when I had Logan - It wasn't an easy road but I truly know how much I can endure and know all will be okay.
- I am thankful for my family because they had to give up so much when I started my new life and we still reamin so very close.
- I am thankful for my in-laws and all the extended family that came with my marriage because they are there for my kids and for me....and they don't mind that I lean on them so much because my family is not here.
- I am thankful for everyone
- I am thankful for the choices I have made
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Husband's Patience...
Top 10 Things We Argue About..
10. Who got more sleep the night before
9. Who's turn it is to change Logan if he has had a accident
8. What are we having for dinner
7. Who's turn is it to go and fetch a gallon of milk from the store
6. Not spending enough quality time together & disciplining the kids
5. Regarding how things just tend to show up in the mailbox that I have ordered online
4. That there is a proper way to open a 12pak of soda
3. Me taking over the outlets on his side of the vanity and not picking up my makeup some mornings.
2. Cleaning the finger prints off the patio door is a big deal
..And the number one answer is..
1. That a man will live longer by having sex 4 times a week
Friday, November 14, 2008
Miles Apart…Yet So Close To My Heart
I think the holidays are the hardest for us…especially the years that I don’t go home for Christmas. I thought by having a blog and us having Facebook we would feel better because we could see what each other is doing and keep in touch better. But instead it makes us sad because we get to see all that we are both missing out on. So that ended up being snag #2590!
How do I make things better? I need brainstorming comments!
My next plan is video conferencing nightly after dinner!
My Neice & Nephew (Allie & Ethan)..along with Logan
Our Honorary Walk For Ryan!

GatorWalk 2008!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Catching Up...
My Daughter Started Her Senior Year.

Vince Turned the Big '60'!

Braedyn Turned "2"

Visited Laine & Watched Him Play Football...

I Went To Michigan To See My Sister....and we joined the 'Walk For Breast Cancer'

Then of course Halloween!
Mickey's Not So Scarey Halloween Party

Oh..and how could I forget..Brittany's Senior Homecoming Dance..

So no one can say we have not been we like it that way! I love to make sure my kids get to experience as much as they can and I love anytime we spend with family!
So Bring on Thanksgiving and
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Special Little Nephew Turns "1"

His Mom and Dad have been through some scarely moments with him
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
...My Little Girl Prepares
She is struggling with Logan not understanding why she is gone, but I told her that is my job to make that transition go smoothly and it is not something she should stress about. She will definitely be missed by him! Especially the wake up She also has a boyfriend she is having to be away from and her wonderful friends...but with college approaching this might prepare her for the fact that she can survive without those things because it opens the door to new things.
We have had many heart-to-hearts lately, and I can honestly say my little girl is turning into quite the young adult.
So maybe I did my job okay with her!
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Mother's Day...
We had Tim's Mom and Dad over for the afternoon. We sipped margaritas and Tim made kabobs on the grill and we just had a nice visit. Things got a little crazy when we had to try and put Logan down for a nap when his grandparents were there..but it was well needed and eventually he did sleep..for a whole 50 After they had to head back home, we went to Lowes and got a planter for my Herb garden and some other little things for my garden. It was nice because Logan allowed me to We then came back home and got everything planted...then relaxed in the living room eating pizza and watching my DVD.
The best part of the day was having the time to breathe and put my feet up!-YAH!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The day of our lives...
This weekend my "no so little" girl is going to take her ACT test - Wow! I can't believe how time has flown by! I remember sitting with her when she was in 3rd grade working on homework at the dining room table telling myself "I can't believe how many more years I have to do this...ugh" and now look one more year to go and she is officially going to graduate! I am so excited for her to begin her life...but the Mom in me wants her to be around all the time. I better start saving for all those 'Senior Year' expenses!
Logan is talking more and more all the time. He is forming sentences, and that is what I notice more and more. The other day he said "Mom, sing to me more" - and I had a 'Mommy heart smile' know they feeling inside where it feels like you heart just smiled from the inside out...ok..well I don't know how else to explain Anyway this is definitely an enjoyable time for me and Logan! He is still not sleeping wonderfully so me and Tim have broke down and are having him sleep with us when he wakes up the first time...I know I know..bad..bad...but darn it I need sleep after 2 years and besides I feel good knowing he is resting well. Besides the way I see it you either pay in the beginning or at the end...and I was just getting tired of paying for it...I need a break....I will deal with the repercussions later - for now I am going to take advantage of some good beauty sleep! I think the people I work with has appreciated that I am getting more sleep the
I am hoping for a productive weekend of landscaping - because Logan is enjoying the dirt in the backyard a little too much - but I will tell you Shout pretreater Rocks! I am a little nervous about us doing the work ourselves - but the feeling of accomplishment when it is all done makes it worth it. So far we have re-routed the sprinklers and are now going to level out an area in the backyard where the retaining wall will be going up -creating a playground area for Logan and we are also creating a bigger walkway area from the back porch area to the playground. Then begins the fun part - my garden and the planting of all the flowers!
Friday, March 28, 2008
I never thought twice about being able to handle my job and also have a baby. So the funny story is, I finally get pregnant and next thing I know I am transferred to this high workload team due to a lovely corporate re org. Then they decide to no longer maintain the same head count because they feel, with efficiencies, we could do the work with less people. Good in theory, not so great in reality. Then they give me the role of managing a Operating Participant roll out during my 6 & 7 month of pregnancy and 30 days straight of on call on top of that. In the meantime I am taking Ambien to sleep thru the pain I was going thru since day So finally I take medical leave to have Logan and when I come back 3 months later...guess what re org. So now I have a new Boss ..again..and dealing with Logan's health issues....hard to impress the new boss when you are taking an average of 5 days a month off in sick time to be with your child. So we get thru that and then we have an unexpected bout of drama and we are forced into another re org. At this point I have 10 times the workload then when I got pregnant and all this high profile responsibilities...which means if I let something slip the VP will hear about it first hand. (no pressure there). So when I am finally at my witt's end- the economy takes a dive and now I have to hang on to my job even longer. So the moral to my story was...I am
I guess I am figuring out that I am not Super Woman..or Super Mom. I enjoy a challenge but I have so many other higher priorities that I just don't have enough of me to go around. All the people that I work with 98% of them are men with stay at home wives - so they don't bat an eye at staying late or working on the weekends. How do I compete with that?? I received my annual raise today and it ended up more then I thought, so I guess that is my reward for the work I did last year. But I still catch myself asking - is it worth it? I also wonder how other women do it that are in my shoes.
Easter Weekend....

The kids checking out their Easter baskets
Logan & Braedyn exploring
Me & Ryan
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Take A Moment & Be Responsible
I truly think everyone who has kids or a spouse needs to have life insurance and plan for the future even if it is not the best thing to think about or discuss.
Lately this topic has come up a lot in my life lately. I was very surprised when I found out my Step Dad, my Mom and even my Dad do not have life insurance. I am sorry but in the event of the death of a spouse or a parent it is so unfair to leave that burden on those who are grieving your loss or having to take on all the responsibilities that was once shared with you. I think it is unfair not to be organized enough in you life to take the time to think about those that would get left behind. I am in no way saying you should make someone else wealthy off of your passing, but instead making sure life will not be tougher than it already would be on your loved ones.
I get great comfort from knowing that in my passing my kid's college will be paid for, the house would be paid off, funeral costs, and still have enough money left over where my family would have time to get back on their feet before having to think about finances. Isn't this what everyone wants for their loved ones???
Some people believe that if they start planning or talking about death that it may jinx them or something....well get over yourself....this is called adulthood and it is time to make adult decisions no matter how much you don't enjoy talking about it.
So please if you have not already done so, get off you butt and do something beneficial for those who love you!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Special Note Of Thanks!
Don't get to excited for us though..because he still got up every 2 hours! day I WILL WIN this battle!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Life Is...Hard Sometimes
Part of me feels like I need to go see him and just clear things up, but then the other part of me feels like I lost my father years ago. I take pride in being a very caring person and it is so not like me to question the options. I spoke to him on the phone and he didn't even remember Logan's name and was surprised that he was already two. I had to fight back every tear because I was truly hurt by that. He spent most of the conversation talking about his will and what he wanted to do with his land...but all I wanted was..a "I Miss You" or a "I Am Sorry I Have Screwed Things Up So Bad".
All I know is I want God to treat him well and make everything okay.
He has caused a fire inside me that makes me work so very hard at being the best parent I can be..because no child should ever feel what me and my siblings had to feel. I just wish more people took greater pride in their parental role.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Minute You Decide to Take Deep Breath....
We have struggled for the last week with getting him to sleep. By the time he has tired himself out, me and Tim just look at each other because he has pretty much consumed everything we had left for the day. Do children purposely try to keep us guessing...because this little guy has me stumped!
Keeping nightly routine....forget it...doesn't work
Intimidation..forget it...doesn't work
Storytelling and rocking...forget it...doesn't work
Rubbing his tummy...forget it...doesn't work
Keeping him up later...forget it...doesn't work
Tonight...singing for 20 minutes straight "Rock a Bye Baby"...kill me now!...but it worked
What will tomorrow require??...who knows...
But my guess is 2 Tylenol PMs for Mom and and one hell of a Martini!

--Prime example of his devilish grin
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wishful Thinking..
I think that hypochondriacs should get what they truly wish for!
I think that Chocolate Licorice should contain less Fat!
I think that Dentists should give you Bose noise cancelling headphones!
I think that Orbit gum needs a "Bubbalicious" Grape flavor!
I think that Microsoft Office Communicator should allow for incoming message sound effects to alert you when the office Schmuck needs something from you..AGAIN!
I think that Uncle Sam can take the 600$ tax credit for daycare and stick it up his assotola! Make it worth while at least if I have to keep track!
I think that for as much money as I spend on anti-aging creams - I should look 15!
I think I need to cut my hair off and donate it to Locks for Love - obviously they would appreciate it more then I do.
I think Mt. Dew needs to be sold with a shot of Vodka in it for days like this!
I think that sleeping pills with no adverse side effects should be perscribed to children!
I think that a Democrat can fix this know I am kidding,
I think that Motrin is god's gift to all mothers!
I think that if a big ass works for Kim Kardashian then it can work for me too!
I think that if 80% of the women in the U.S have IBS maybe someone should get smart and find out WHY!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Britt's Big Day!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Teaching Britt About Money Management...
She found it to be very interesting, which surprised me actually. See my parents never involved us kids with finances so when we were on our own it was quite a shock to us. But it is because of that I thought I was going to try a different approach with my kids. The funny thing that I think she learned was it all makes sense now. Because Britt would ask for something at the store and I would say "no" not today it is not in the budget..and she would be bummed and carry on...and then she would see me drop 200$ at the grocery store that same day and feel like..what the heck I thought you were Well now she understands that we have allocated funds to each budgetary category and once that is to a zero balance then you have to wait until the following month. But this time we are doing things a little different. Britt is going to have her own budget - for example she has allocated funds towards clothing, haircare, toiletries, school lunch, etc. and she will be managing that and reporting a status back to us twice a month. I am hoping this will teach her that it is all about give and take and prioritizing. To make sure she understands that it is not all about spending all the money in your budget - we have decided to have a buffer fund that if we come up under budget that those funds will go into that account and then we will use that for our Bahamas trip. So I am hoping our masterful plan for her works and that she learns a valuable life lesson...that or she at least understand why I have to say "No" once in awhile.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
My little cook...

It is so funny, he even cooks burgers just like his Dad - continually squishes all the juice out of Honey but it is
So I am looking for it wrong for Logan to have a kitchen set?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Transistion Out Of The Crib...
I had the dilemma between getting a toddler bed or going with the twin/full size bed. My economist side said - "that toddler bed is a waste of money". But the logical side of me felt it would be less intimidating then a huge bed. In the end I decided on the Toddler bed. We found one that matches his furniture exactly at Babies'R'Us and we even found Zanzibar toddler bedding to match his theme. I wasn't going to splurge - but that would buy me more time on redecorating his room- so technically my economist side could not argue.
So anyway..sorry got side tracked..
Tim put the bed together and we did not let Logan see it. I put the bedding on his bed and fluffed the pillow for the grand unveiling. Everyone waited at the door and we counted to 3 and opened the door! you know the expression a child makes when they walk down stairs at Christmas time and see the room filled with presents...well that million dollar look is what he had - it was the happiest I have seen him react to anything!! He ran to the bed and just kept touching it as if it was made out of gold..and then he laid down and wanted to sleep in it. Me and Tim looked at each other like...should we say goodnight..or do the normal bedtime routine...well we chose to relax him buy playing our game called "Cut the pickle"....and then we said goodnight. It took 4 reminders to stay in bed and a little crying as he was giving into his tired body. We gasped at how easy that was! But we warned ourselves that we still have to handle NAP time in the bed too. So we did not get our hopes up. He woke up 2 times that night but would not get out of his was kinda funny..we even still had to go get him in the
The next day at noon we had to lay him down for nap...we were nervous. He had to be reminded 2 times that he had to stay in bed and he fussed as he nodded off to sleep. Once again me and Tim looked at each other totally mystified at how easy this process was ending up.
Last night we got home slightly past his bedtime due to being at the hospital. We did his nightly routine and then we laid him down and tucked him in...not a peep..he went right to bed with no fussing or any I think we did it!! Thank the Lord! Cross your fingers that it remains this easy!
A New Addition..
(I think I will spell it wrong for the first year just like I did for her
The Funny Things You Think....
It is funny how every mother tells herself I am in no way having one of "Those" kinds of kids. Like they have a You know "the ones" ..that won't sit still when you are out to eat...the ones that yell mean things at their parents....throw a fit in the store...exactly.
..ahh the joy..
Friday, February 15, 2008
A Wonderful Valentines Day...
I proceeded to daycare carrying valentines, decorated candy bags, cookies, Logan's teddy bear, diapers and of course Logan fighting holding my hand....phew! My uncontrollable at the time Logan -was very excited to give his teacher's their valentines and pictures. So I was trying very hard to keep up with him running down the hallway if you can picture it. But in return for all my efforts that morning Logan presented me with a magnetic heart that said "I love you" with a picture of him on it that he had made. He had such a smile on his face you just knew he was so very proud. (my heart melted)
So that cured my chaotic morning....then on to my crazy work day.
I had to skip lunch because I had so much to do, but my super hubby brought me lunch. He even sat and ate with me...ahh. Then back to work I had to go. I was trying so hard to get out of work at 5pm so everyone would not have to wait on "Mom" again. Yes..I did it..I left at 5pm!
I get home from work and Logan is grill'n in the living room and Tim is in the kitchen making this huge dinner for us! It turned out so great! I think we all ate too much though. After dinner we frosted all the cupcakes me and Britt made the night before. They all turned out so nice - even Tim & Britt really got into it! You know Logan loved it..because he was able to make a huge mess with Mom's permission.
Some may say my valentine's day was pretty simple - but to me it was the best!
Ok and the new Prada purse was nice too...thanks so much sweetie!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dog gone it!!
Brittany came home from school only to call and tell me that he vomitted all over my house and needless to say I was concerned, yet FUSTRATED! Tim took him to the vet and they could not find anything wrong. His vitals were not poisoning (Thank God!), they gave him a dewormer treatment and some antibiotics just in case. I just know that after the steam cleaning and vet bill, I could of easily found a better way to drop that kind of money in one day! Sad to say, I know...but I am saving up for living room furniture so I need to tell Bentley to tear up the couch not throw up all over it!!! For now he is my cuddle bug and I forgive him for prolonging my new
Another reason it sucks to be a planner - no one else sticks to the
Thursday, February 7, 2008
He is my blessing...
Just know all is good when you still check out your husband in the side mirror when he is pumping gas...and tell yourself...yep life is good!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Immune Disfunction...
So I did some reading and found that the following things could help my immune system:
Useful Supplements: Acidophilus, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc. (Sounds okay)
Useful Herbs: Ashwagandha , Astragalus, Cat’s Claw(What the hell is this?), Echinacea, Green Tea, Licorice, Ligustrum, Maitake Mushrooms, Shiitake Mushrooms.
So I am now on a mission to see if this truly will work.....I will post a follow-up
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Our Little Milestone Moments...
We have worked on manners ever since he started talking more. "Please" was easy - because it helped him get hat he wanted, but "Thank You" was a lot harder because he already had the item he wanted so there was nothing motivating him to say it. Well last week he started heart melts every time I hear it now. He says it after you give him anything. It is so funny. I tucked him in last night and he said "Thank you"...then when he woke up in the middle of the night he asked to be rocked, after I said it was time to go back to bed, he said it again. It was cutest thing ever.
He loves to help me cook. He does all the stirring and hands me everything, like he knows what I am asking for. Today we made pancakes and he loved to scoop the mixture out of the bowl and hand it to me to place on the skillet. Needless to say, he ate 3 whole pancakes and 2 scrambled eggs - he gets that from his
He has also become a compulsive hand washer - which I should not complain about - but he is not satisfied until he has washed his hands 5 times in a row. But you have to love their quirks!
He also knows the words to "Wheels on the Bus" now - it is so cute! I have to video it for his Grand Parents to see! His favorite part is the "Baby on the Bus goes Whah Whah Whah!"
He has learned so much in the last week...this new class at Daycare has amazed me! He really wants to start potty training but there are a few things he needs to learn to do hopefully he will still be excited when the time comes.
I think Logan is going to be quite the baseball player. He and Daddy were hitting the ball of his T and he can hit that ball almost across the full length of the yard! Sissy still wants him to play soccer so we will have to
He sets the placemats and silverware on the table and remembers who sits where.
He is drinking exclusively from a regular cup now except in the car - the switch was very easy except when it came to bedtime...that took some adjusting for him.
His imagination has truly taken off lately - he now thinks "baby"(his teddy) is his cell pone and that baby requires everything that he does - even when we went to the Dr, Baby had to have an exam too! - Gotta luv his pediatrician!
..okay that was the good
He also learned that if you touch him and he screams ouch that you will let go....this is absolutely not funny...because when you are at the store and you ask him to hold your hand and he says you reach for his hand and he starts yelling owwwww owwww!! Everyone tends to look at you like you are killing him....not liking that phase at all!
He also decided that if you are a stranger and you look at him he yells "NO!" - that is my polite child for ya!
But I guess with the good comes the
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Letting go...
You can get into a screaming match with your husband and 20 minutes later, he will want to get romantic. I on the other hand, have been spending the past 20 minutes calculating how he is wrong and how my feelings were affected and what affect this could have on our future..does he still love me...blah blah blah..
So I have figured it out Men do not have short term
Seriously, why do we hang on to things forever, why do we let things crawl under our skin and burrow around until we explode? Or is it not women in general, maybe it is just me. I really need to figure out how they are capable of this feat. Just think of the guilt...less gray hair...hmm
Monday, January 28, 2008
Some Day...Positive thoughts are hard to come by
Well what do you do when the kindness is beginning to kill you instead??
Is it wrong to just decide it is just not worth the fight anymore?
At what point is it okay to just walk away and no longer subject yourself to repeatly getting thrown against the same brick wall over and over again? Why can't people just live up to my expectations and then I don't have to deal with this kind of thing.
I think that the phrase should be "Kill them with bitch slapping" instead.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Time to just be a woman...
I have had a realization that has caused me to do some inner soul searching. I have found that I have some how misplaced my "It is okay to be a woman" card.
Why can't Tim open the jar for least then I wouldn't swear and grunt?
Why do I feel like I have to carry in just as many, if not more, bags of groceries then Tim does?
Why can't I ask Tim to take out the garbage for's not like I enjoy it anyway?
Why can't I let the guy at the 7-eleven open the door for me without me saying.."Oh no, that is okay, go ahead"?
Why can't I justify in my own head that a mani-pedi every month is a necessity?
Why can't I let Tim hang the picture after I drop a few F bombs trying to get the nail in the wall?
Why can't I let Tim vacuum my van out...maybe then I could hint about the armour-all too?
Why can't I take Tim up on the offer to just go sit down and put my feet up?
Have I lost my flipp'n mind - Life could be so much easier! I thought women were smarter then is official I am now a proud bearer of "The Woman Card"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Is it wrong...?
When your 2 year old son has to check himself out in the mirror before going to daycare?
When your 2 year old son has to put mousse in his hair and insists on the brush not the comb?
Or when he is better at using my eyelash curler then me?
...I think Dad needs to get him ready for daycare from now
My "BIG" boy..
Today was Logan's first day in his new classroom. I was so prepared I left the house a half hour early and prepared all his things the night before so I could allow for Logan to take all the time he needed to get comfortable before leaving him at daycare. So we pull into the parking lot and Logan gets excited saying "Andrew, Andrew!" (that is his best buddy) My heart sinks, because Andrew is in his old classroom, and he is not going to see him today. But I decide to be positive and upbeat in hopes that he too will be excited to see his new teacher. Can you tell I am preparing for "Insanity"? So Logan decides he should be the one to lock the car doors - he struts into daycare toting my keys and begins talking to the administrator at the front desk. So far so good... We approach the "T" in the hallway, and he is not happy that we are heading down the wrong hallway in his mind. So we get to the door of his new room, I say "1..2..3.." and I open the door....Logan runs down the hall screaming "NO, NO , NO"....of course I go after him with the stuff in my arms. Luckily his teacher assists me and he is happy to see her. So she picks him up and I struggle with the items in my arms. We make it back to his room and to his surprise...his girlfriend Mallory is there! She came and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and he blushed...ahh it was so cute! He them walked over to the puppy he painted and showed it to me very proudly. He was asked to bring pictures of himself and family so he shared his pictures with his class and was very proud to show off his "Sissy". So I am thinking that things are going much better...then they bring out this bucket of plastic bugs....and for those of you who know how much my son loves can only imagine his reaction when they dumped the bucket on the it is not that funny knowing how scared he got, but it is very funny He freaked out, but his teacher sat him in her lap and talked to him about one particular bug and next thing I know he is all into the whole bug infestation on the table. I figured I would attempt to leave, so I said "Bye Logan"..and he paid me no mind at I said again.."Bye Logan" he ran to me grabbed both sides of my head and planted a huge kiss on my lips then ran back to his teacher....I walked out of the door on the verge of tears. I closed the door and walked to the front door in a daze - then the administrator at the front desk asks me how drop-off went and I told he he did great and then my eyes began to well up with tears. So after a few words of encouragement I walked to my car and took a deep breath...and whined to myself about how old my BIG boy is.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Same Page...
Hey - I thought it was funny!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Crack Open the Champagne...
Because "I did it!!" I made my mark today and everyone was very impressed with my performance!- including myself. I even received pats on the back from all my co-workers and even my former boss called me at home to congratulate me! See would stressing about it have made the outcome any better - heck No! Wow..this is a whole new world for me and I am loving it! Thanks for the prayers and the votes of confidence!
Thanks Hubby for being so proud! Love ya :o)
Life is good..and on the road to being great!
I have a big day today, you can describe it as a make or break my career kind of day. For some reason I am not nervous or afraid of the outcome. I am prepared, but I never obsessed about it like the old me would have done. I guess prayers and good thoughts make a world of difference when it comes to dealing with mental stress. So for a momment I realized that this is the new Vicky and that I was able to be that person I have been wanting to be for a very long time and it happened without me even knowing it.
Yesterday I was able to put my family first in front of my job without hesitation, and I am quite proud of that accomplishment. It all stemmed from Brittany asking me if she could attend a after school class that prepares students for their AP test. (they have to pass the test to earn college credits for the AP classes they took) I found myself telling her there is no way my boss would let me get off on Tuesdays to accomodate her so there would be no way she could go. It drove me crazy because this impacts my daughters future and doesn't show much support by her parents for her academic achievements. So next thing I know I was in my boss's office requesting to work from home on Tuesdays until mid April. I explained my situation and the importance, and to my surprise we were able to work it out! So kudos to my boss who I never thought had a sympathetic bone in his body. Don't get me wrong I still have to be accountable for a lot to make it happen, but it was so worth it to give Brittany the news at the dinner table!!
It might have taken a long time for me to realize a lot of things, but I am just glad I finally woke up! I love my family!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What I Am Hoping The New Year Brings...
So I took a step back and said to myself - look woman you have Brittany who may be moving out soon and you have limited time to spend teaching her, bonding with her, and preparing her for the life that is ahead. And..Logan is already 2 years old and the last 2 years have been a blurr - okay maybe that is a little clouded - I still remember the crazy he instilled in all of us and the continual sleepless nights, but seriously, he needs me- he needs me to be as involved as much as possible in his molding - because two is a real turning point in their development and in their behavior. So maybe instead of working so hard to make more money in hopes of having more children I need to just "Breathe" and cherish the ones I have and the wonderful life they have given me.
I also have this wonderful man in my life, my husband. We have been stretched to our limits in the last couple years and have still managed to stay somewhat connected. I still get the twinkle in my eye when I look over and " check him out" - so I know we will get through anything but I don't think I have given our marriage the attention it needs. I tend to focus so much on the kids and the crazy life at work that I get lazy and just assume he understands and that we are always okay. But in everything that I read - the marriage is what keeps the rest of the family healthy and stable and should always come first. That makes sense to me - but in real life that is harder to do than you may think. But..
Today is a new day and it is a New Year - so changes are coming!
- Hubby Time! - Date night regularly
- No more work overload
- No snapping at Hubby when stressed- Bite that tongue girl! (Even when you know you are right)
- Girls day with Britt more often!
- Family Game Night Again! - Monthly
- Movie Night Again! - Weekly
- One on One Logan Time Adventure
- Create more traditions
- Attend Church
- Discipline Plan - Mutually decide on what works for the both of us
- Understand it is okay to have "Vicky" time
-Wish me luck!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
My Little Dude Turns 2!!
Pirates Everywhere!

Logan thought it would be nice to dress up for Daddy.

Everyone we invited showed up - how often does that happen! It was a wonderful party and Logan loved all his presents and playing with everyone! Check out some more pictures:

Granddaddy is always Logan's buddy!

Sissy is quite the tattoo artist!

Bubbles + Sand + Water= A Whole Lotta Fun!!!

Cake Time!!
The sad part of the whole day was knowing that my little baby was now a TODDLER. Where did the time go?? I think it is time for another! - haha