Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things I am Thankful For....

  • I am thankful that my childhood was not easy - Because it made me strong

  • I am thankful that god gave me Brittany - Because it made me focused

  • I am thankful that I divorced my ex-husband the right way - Because it made it easier on Brittany

  • I am thankful that I got fired from my job right after my divorce - It forced me to leap forward and was the beginning of my new life!

  • I am thankful that fear didn't steer me wrong when it came to moving to Florida with Brittany

  • I am thankful that my cousin Tasha met Jason - Because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have Tim!

  • I am thankful for Tim because he made my life whole

  • I am thankful that I was told I couldn't have kids - just so I could prove them wrong and because of that I enjoy Logan even more!

  • I am thankful for the gift god gave me when I had Logan - It wasn't an easy road but I truly know how much I can endure and know all will be okay.

  • I am thankful for my family because they had to give up so much when I started my new life and we still reamin so very close.

  • I am thankful for my in-laws and all the extended family that came with my marriage because they are there for my kids and for me....and they don't mind that I lean on them so much because my family is not here.

  • I am thankful for everyone

  • I am thankful for the choices I have made

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for you! You are fabulous!!!!!