Monday, January 21, 2008

My "BIG" boy..

I am oncall today and Tim had to work so I figured I would go into the office because I can not do oncall and keep track of Logan all day. Besides Logan starts his new class this week and I want to keep this week as normal as possible for him. Normally Mondays are rough due to him having Mom all weekend.

Today was Logan's first day in his new classroom. I was so prepared I left the house a half hour early and prepared all his things the night before so I could allow for Logan to take all the time he needed to get comfortable before leaving him at daycare. So we pull into the parking lot and Logan gets excited saying "Andrew, Andrew!" (that is his best buddy) My heart sinks, because Andrew is in his old classroom, and he is not going to see him today. But I decide to be positive and upbeat in hopes that he too will be excited to see his new teacher. Can you tell I am preparing for "Insanity"? So Logan decides he should be the one to lock the car doors - he struts into daycare toting my keys and begins talking to the administrator at the front desk. So far so good... We approach the "T" in the hallway, and he is not happy that we are heading down the wrong hallway in his mind. So we get to the door of his new room, I say "1..2..3.." and I open the door....Logan runs down the hall screaming "NO, NO , NO"....of course I go after him with the stuff in my arms. Luckily his teacher assists me and he is happy to see her. So she picks him up and I struggle with the items in my arms. We make it back to his room and to his surprise...his girlfriend Mallory is there! She came and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek and he blushed...ahh it was so cute! He them walked over to the puppy he painted and showed it to me very proudly. He was asked to bring pictures of himself and family so he shared his pictures with his class and was very proud to show off his "Sissy". So I am thinking that things are going much better...then they bring out this bucket of plastic bugs....and for those of you who know how much my son loves can only imagine his reaction when they dumped the bucket on the it is not that funny knowing how scared he got, but it is very funny He freaked out, but his teacher sat him in her lap and talked to him about one particular bug and next thing I know he is all into the whole bug infestation on the table. I figured I would attempt to leave, so I said "Bye Logan"..and he paid me no mind at I said again.."Bye Logan" he ran to me grabbed both sides of my head and planted a huge kiss on my lips then ran back to his teacher....I walked out of the door on the verge of tears. I closed the door and walked to the front door in a daze - then the administrator at the front desk asks me how drop-off went and I told he he did great and then my eyes began to well up with tears. So after a few words of encouragement I walked to my car and took a deep breath...and whined to myself about how old my BIG boy is.

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