Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wishful Thinking..

I think there needs to be Anger Management classes for Toddlers!

I think that hypochondriacs should get what they truly wish for!

I think that Chocolate Licorice should contain less Fat!

I think that Dentists should give you Bose noise cancelling headphones!

I think that Orbit gum needs a "Bubbalicious" Grape flavor!

I think that Microsoft Office Communicator should allow for incoming message sound effects to alert you when the office Schmuck needs something from you..AGAIN!

I think that Uncle Sam can take the 600$ tax credit for daycare and stick it up his assotola! Make it worth while at least if I have to keep track!

I think that for as much money as I spend on anti-aging creams - I should look 15!

I think I need to cut my hair off and donate it to Locks for Love - obviously they would appreciate it more then I do.

I think Mt. Dew needs to be sold with a shot of Vodka in it for days like this!

I think that sleeping pills with no adverse side effects should be perscribed to children!

I think that a Democrat can fix this know I am kidding,

I think that Motrin is god's gift to all mothers!

I think that if a big ass works for Kim Kardashian then it can work for me too!

I think that if 80% of the women in the U.S have IBS maybe someone should get smart and find out WHY!

1 comment:

jenn said...

Whoa. Whoa. whoa!!!!

I think you need a drink...

Oh and Motrin IS God's gift to all mothers.