- I am thankful that my childhood was not easy - Because it made me strong
- I am thankful that god gave me Brittany - Because it made me focused
- I am thankful that I divorced my ex-husband the right way - Because it made it easier on Brittany
- I am thankful that I got fired from my job right after my divorce - It forced me to leap forward and was the beginning of my new life!
- I am thankful that fear didn't steer me wrong when it came to moving to Florida with Brittany
- I am thankful that my cousin Tasha met Jason - Because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have Tim!
- I am thankful for Tim because he made my life whole
- I am thankful that I was told I couldn't have kids - just so I could prove them wrong and because of that I enjoy Logan even more!
- I am thankful for the gift god gave me when I had Logan - It wasn't an easy road but I truly know how much I can endure and know all will be okay.
- I am thankful for my family because they had to give up so much when I started my new life and we still reamin so very close.
- I am thankful for my in-laws and all the extended family that came with my marriage because they are there for my kids and for me....and they don't mind that I lean on them so much because my family is not here.
- I am thankful for everyone
- I am thankful for the choices I have made
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Things I am Thankful For....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Husband's Patience...
Top 10 Things We Argue About..
10. Who got more sleep the night before
9. Who's turn it is to change Logan if he has had a accident
8. What are we having for dinner
7. Who's turn is it to go and fetch a gallon of milk from the store
6. Not spending enough quality time together & disciplining the kids
5. Regarding how things just tend to show up in the mailbox that I have ordered online
4. That there is a proper way to open a 12pak of soda
3. Me taking over the outlets on his side of the vanity and not picking up my makeup some mornings.
2. Cleaning the finger prints off the patio door is a big deal
..And the number one answer is..
1. That a man will live longer by having sex 4 times a week
Friday, November 14, 2008
Miles Apart…Yet So Close To My Heart
I think the holidays are the hardest for us…especially the years that I don’t go home for Christmas. I thought by having a blog and us having Facebook we would feel better because we could see what each other is doing and keep in touch better. But instead it makes us sad because we get to see all that we are both missing out on. So that ended up being snag #2590!
How do I make things better? I need brainstorming comments!
My next plan is video conferencing nightly after dinner!
My Neice & Nephew (Allie & Ethan)..along with Logan
Our Honorary Walk For Ryan!

GatorWalk 2008!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Catching Up...
My Daughter Started Her Senior Year.

Vince Turned the Big '60'!

Braedyn Turned "2"

Visited Laine & Watched Him Play Football...

I Went To Michigan To See My Sister....and we joined the 'Walk For Breast Cancer'

Then of course Halloween!
Mickey's Not So Scarey Halloween Party

Oh..and how could I forget..Brittany's Senior Homecoming Dance..

So no one can say we have not been busy..lol..but we like it that way! I love to make sure my kids get to experience as much as they can and I love anytime we spend with family!
So Bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas..lol