I was so happy to go to Minnesota and celebrate Christmas with my family. I was able to spend time with my niece and nephew along with my Mom and sisters. Logan loved the snow but I was scared to let him play outside for very long due to it being sooo cold. We all went skiing, played Wii, went to the indoor waterpark (even my Mom went down the waterslide) and celebrated Logan's birthday. Brittany wimped out after only to trips down when we went skiing - but I think she just wanted to check out the snowboarder boys..lol

Here are a few pics:

Logan and Allie decorating the tree at the resort

View from our window at the resort

See..they don't even look cold and it was -10 degrees

Logan loved his birthday cake that grandma got for him!

Brittany and Grandma

Daddy & Logan playing at the waterpark
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